Fresh Tofu and Salted Egg Noodles - Iki-Kuwi, Mall Artha Gading

Name Iki-Kuwi
Address Mall Artha Gading, Lantai Basement, Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading Selatan, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Cuisine Tofu
Reservation URL  -
Menu URL -
Reviewer takutlaper
Review Rating 3,5/5
Review Date 8 August 2018

Narrow place at affordable prices for fresh tofu cuisine.

Tahu Campur

So far, the best mixed tofu I've eaten. The taste of peanut sauce is thick and predominantly sweet. But you should order the spicy one to make it taste more balanced. Even thought it little pricey, but the tofu made by Iki-Kuwi itself never dissapoint! 
Sejauh ini, tahu campur yang paling enak yang pernah gua makan. Saos kacangnya kental dan dominan manis. Gua rekomendasiin kalian pesen yang pedes biar rasanya lebih seimbang. Biarpun harganya sedikit mahal, Tapi tahu buatan Iki-Kuwi sendiri gak pernah mengecewakan!

Salted Egg Noodle

Quality noodles very gently mix with the savory salted egg. to the level of salty is also very fitting. the soup is made of broth and a mixture of salted egg is also very delicious 
Mie berkualitas yang sangat lembut bercampur dengan gurihnya telur asin. untuk tingkat salty juga sangat pas. kuahnya terbuat dari kaldu dan campuran telur asin juga sangat lezat.

Soy, Milk
Soy Milk

Fresh soy milk which is processed by Iki-Kuwi
Susu kacang kedelai segar yang diolah sendiri oleh Iki-Kuwi 

Eat A Lot, Do Not Starve! 

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